Yesterday Jacob went to preschool for the morning. I send him with a lunch. Yesterday's lunch was hot dog pieces, cheese, goldfish crackers and grapes. When I picked him up, his teacher said "oh, he ate good today - although a little girl stole his cheese" So, once home, I went through his lunch sack and sure enough - the only thing left was hot dog. Later on, he's sitting on the potty and telling his daddy about his day. He says "daddy I ate all my lunch!" I explained that "no, Jacob you ate grapes and goldfish and some kid took your cheese, so that means you only ate grapes and fish for lunch!" Jacob, still sitting on the potty, says "cool." He finally knows how to use that word now :) This child LOVES grapes...he spots them a mile away in the store.
In other news.....Jacob is changing so much lately. His vocabulary has taken off and he NEVER shuts up! Constant chatter which warms my heart mostly - but on occasion - I wish he had a mute button :)..He LOVES Thomas the Tank Engine. I DVR it every Saturday and each day we watch it before he goes for a nap. When "choo choo" goes for a nap at the end of the show, then Jacob goes for his.....As you know, Jacob LOVES the alphabet and has for many months now. We are now working on counting past 10... it's coming along....Also working on shapes....I think he has definitely mastered colors though - hopefully he'll have his grammy's artistic flair and put it all to use one day....
You may have noticed in the most recent video that Jacob is wearing "big boy pants". Well - he wears them, pees in them and still has no clue what it's all about. But I know he'll catch on one day - so when we're at home, we put him in the trainers and try to time trips to the potty. The first time he peed in them he says "mommy, I spilled?" he's so confused!!! funny stuff :)
Jacob is pretty busy these days. We have gotten into a pretty neat weekly routine. Mondays - we just hang out -the two of us, Tuesday mornings I go to a ladies' Bible study at church and Jacob plays with all the other kids on the church playground, Wednesday mornings he goes to preschool and Wednesday nights we go to church and he goes to his class where he makes cool crafts and has tons of fun playing with his buds Chuckie and Alex, Thursday mornings we go to playgroup - lately outside parks, outside BK, pumpkin patch.. Fridays we hang out till afternoon and then go to daddy's football game where Jacob LOVES to dance and clap with the band. Bad mom didn't have the video camera this past game. He was standing on the chairs jumping full on and dancing with both bands at halftime - too funny
Guess that's about it. Oh! Jacob also rides (or tries to ride) a little trike at church - so I think it's time to get him one for Christmas. I was trying to teach him how to pedal... that was a sight....when I let him go, he just scooted along - but he was steering pretty well :)
Jacob says "Go Gators!"