Thursday, April 12, 2007

Strawberry Patch

Today mommy took me to the Strawberry Patch. It was so much fun! I helped pick some and wanted to eat them right away. Mommy said we had to wash them first, but as you can see in my pictures, I didn't wait till we got home before trying one. Mommy pulled it away till we got home. Then I wanted to eat one without chewing and I almost choked. I started to turn as red as the berry and mommy got scared - then I coughed real hard and spit it at her. It was funny as it went all over her shirt :) I am going to ask Grammy and Grampa to take me back to pick more berries when they come next week.


Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

From the All-Region Band in Valdosta Georgia:

Jacob likes strawberries ....... Grammy likes strawberries ....... I have a feeling there will be another visit to the strawberry patch in the near future!

(Hi Jacob! Daddy misses you!)

jenni said...

Jacob - I don't think I've ever seen an unhappy pic of you until now.. Are you mad at mom or the strawberry?

Tammy said...

Not sure.. Shortly after that - he then shoved that entire berry in his mouth and promptly choked on it. The most frowns and fits he does throw are usually while in the high chair. Most of the time he's mad at me because I make him eat veggies and meat. If it were up to him, he'd eat bananas, yogurt and mac/cheese. Oh and he likes eggs now in the morning and whole milk! We are almost totally weaned YAY!! Trying to make it easier on Grammy and Grampa when they get here in a few days.