Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I can stand up ALL BY MYSELF!

That's right, and here's proof:

After a few seconds (sometimes about a minute), this happens:
Daddy says I'm his "Little Explorer" because I like to find new things to look at. I especially like things like cookbooks, computers, mail, the trash can, or anything else that I'm not supposed to get into. :) Just wait 'til I figure out how to walk -- then I'll really be "exploring!"


Laura said...

Yay Jacob! Congrats!

jenni said...

he's trying to figure out walking so he and Ben can get into all sorts of trouble together!!

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Something tells me that if he isn't walking before we get to FL, he'll start while we're there! (Just like he suddenly started crawling when Grammy and Grampa were here.) I think he likes the extra attention. :)

jenni said...

I was reminiscing of the days when Ben was in that phase, and scanning thru his albums.. in comparison - I will give Jacob a month to start standing up from sitting by himself and walking...