Monday, December 10, 2007

For Grammy

Apparently Grammy wanted Cousin Ben and me to make handprints for her at Turkentucky. Well, we got distracted, and I guess she forgot, because Mommy and Daddy found two handprint kits with plaster and a mold in their room after they left.
So Mommy and Daddy brought the kit home, and today we made my latest handprint. As you can see, I didn't like it AT ALL! The plaster was all squishy, and Daddy was holding my hand down in it. He wanted me to be still, and of course I didn't want to do that.

Somehow Daddy managed to get me to hold still long enough. I sure wish Grammy was here to do it, though. She is much more gentle than Daddy!


Laura said...

poor jacob! hank never has had much finesse....

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

I'd like to see you try it!!!!!! :)

Laura said...

true, true

Tammy said...

Well - it was Jacob's bedtime when we decided to this - which was pretty lame on our part. Oh well - it dried last night and came out real cute :)