Saturday, December 08, 2012

Christmas Fun

A sweet lady from church always invites the kids over to her house to chat with Santa and run around in her yard and have snacks.  The boys had quite a time!  Jacob chatted with Santa for a good while.  He never told him what he wanted, just told him all about his Lego Advent Calendar that he's been doing each night.  I was waiting for him to tell Santa that his mommy and daddy really brought all his presents - but he didn't .  Poor Santa got an ear full as he rambled on and on.

Ryan, on the other hand, didn't have much to do with Santa.  This is when we were about to go outside - he told Santa he was leaving and that was all!

The boys really enjoyed this cool swing out back.

and the sleigh in the front yard

Jacob wanted me to take a picture by everything - I will not post all of them :)
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