This is first thing Christmas Morning. I'm wearing my Christmas "sack".
This is Grandpa with his Ale 8 bell. He says thanks to Uncle Queep - it's really cool!This is me and mommy with my sock. Grammy got me this cool puppy hat and mittens.Then we got to the big presents. I got this cool Noah's ark and it has lots of pieces for me to chew on!Thanks Uncle Pete and Aunt Jenni and Cousin Ben for this awsome puzzle with my name on it! Grammy likes turtles and she got me this squishy turtle book. It's yummy! Grandpa likes trains so he got me this cool shirt that says "chugga chugga" and pants to match. Then we ate the yummy dinner and daddy gave me the goose drumstick to chew on. It was sooooo good.Back to presents...I love this gator. It makes cool sounds and for some reason dad REALLY liked it?Ah, end of the day and me and mom are taking a rest on the floor. We both ate way too much today.
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