Sunday, December 24, 2006

Photo Update

I'm sure everyone has been wondering exactly what we've been up to here in Arkansas. Here are a few photos to help you get the idea:

First off, I love riding in Grammy's bird. It's a swan or a goose or something like that.

Of course, I like to be held. Grampa is good at holding me. He is very careful, though - I guess he doesn't want me to mess up his shirt and tie!

I like to look at the Christmas tree. Of course, everyone knows that you look with your HANDS (and your mouth).

It's colder here in Arkansas than it is back home in Georgia, so Mommy and Daddy like to dress me extra warm, especially at night.

Bath time! Grammy gives good baths.

So there you have it! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, so we're going to church in the morning and again at night. I bet the people there will think I'm cute, too!

Merry Christmas, everyone!


Laura said...

thanks for the pics --you all look great!

jenni said...

great pics..