Monday, July 09, 2007

Poor Jacob

While we were on our trip last week, Jacob had fever most of the time. Once we got home, he seemed back to normal. Yesterday, however, he woke up with a nasty ear. Yep, we have our first ear infection. Yipee :/ Went to the Dr. today and he said it was so bad he couldn't tell if the eardrum was ruptured or not so we got drops and oral anitbiotics. Yay for crappy insurane and the tirp to Walgreens. Who knew the drops were made of gold? hmm.. go figure.... just about every kid in America gets at least 3-4 ear infections and probably use these same drops so I guess the Rx-makers make a ton of money off us poor sucker parents. Sorry -just venting a little-

Anyway, the funny thing is that since the ear is leaking now - it reallly doesn't seem to bother Jacob. He seems like his old self. Hopefully we can clear it up before the trip to Florida. We go back to the dr. after we get back to make sure it's all cleared up.

That's it from here. We're looking forward to the Florida trip. See you all soon!


jenni said...

You're right -- poor jacob.. We know first hand ear infections suck.. but most of Ben's meds were made by Abbott labs.. so at least Umpah is benefiting from our sick children.