Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Fun at the park

Today was such a beautiful day....took Jacob to the park to explore the playground, sticks and acorns. He tried to eat a few...I also had fun with "Hank's" new camera :) I have figured out how to take black/white pics. It has so many features - stay tuned for more creative shots as I learn more features.


jenni said...

cute cute -- did I say YAY new camera yet?? :D

pete said...

Cool new camera... but I gotta mention... Why not take the pictures in color -- and then use Picasa later to change them to Black and White? That way you have the option later to decide which you like better.. Or you can make BW prints, and color blogs, etc.. (If you haven't downloaded picasa yet - you should -- it rocks for simple photo edits..)

jenni said...

Don't listen to Pete -- Picasa is great - and so is photoshop - and they are fun tools in making creative photos.. but playing with Camera settings is also FUN... so Pooey on Pete.. enjoy 'Hanks' new toy..

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

For the record, Hank has not used his new toy yet....