Monday, August 11, 2014

Back to School!

Here we go!  Another school year has begun.  Ryan has started at Lee Co. Pre-K and Jacob is in 3rd grade at Twin Oaks Elementary School.  They both had a great first day and are excited about everything.  Jacob was most excited about the fact that at his new school, he has a choice at lunch time between 2 items.  He also loves his music teacher!  Ryan was excited to see his little buddy Logan who is a foster child that goes to church with us.    They love to play together.  Ryan also likes the playground and his teachers.  Hank went back to school too - but I didn't make a cute chalkboard sign for him.....


Am+a said...

Happy back to school day, and high five to you, Mama, for doing 2 blogposts within a month. Woo hoo!!

I hope you did great at the consignment sale!!!!!!!!

Karen L. Reese said...

I kept waiting for the picture of Hank getting on the schoolbus! Lol

User1 said...

Happy back to school day
Nice blog !!!
thi cong noi that chung cu
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biet thu dep
thiet ke nha
thiet ke noi that chung cu