Thursday, June 07, 2007

Visit from My Friend Matthew

Hi everyone!
My friend Matthew came today for a visit with his Mommy and Daddy, Miss MaryAnn and Mr. Charles. We had lots of fun playing together. I climbed on the couch; Matthew climbed on me!

Later, I showed him my Fridge Farm (thanks Uncle Pete and Aunt Jenni and Cousin Ben!).

In other news....Mommy and Daddy got me some MegaBloks (they're like Legos) for my birthday. I like playing with them, but Daddy REALLY likes playing with them! He always makes really tall towers. But he forgets that they're MY blocks! So I remind him by KNOCKING HIS TOWER DOWN!

(Daddy's pouty lip is because I'm about to open up a can of MASS DESTRUCTION on his tower!)

Grandma and Papaw are coming Saturday! YAAAAY!!!!!!


jenni said...

I like seeing Jacob enjoying his Fridge Farm -- Ben still plays with his.. Just today we had a COW-DUCK.. you made a match look what you found..

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

A cow-duck? That's silly!

Tammy said...

HI! I'm Farmer Ted (I wanted to play this game too)

jenni said...

Wow -- I guess Jacob plays with it A LOT! poor guys! He'll grow out of it in a few months! or until you take the batteries out..
YES pete has done that... its MEAN!